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$69 Value

Create your FREE account today and get a 12 months access to 300+ lessons in precision metal working, which can include training in tool and die making, welding and sheet metal working.


300+ Videos Lessons
To Master Metalworking.

Browse our deep catalog of manufacturing training videos.

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Delivered by experts.

Every online class has been reviewed and validated by industry experts.

Watch anytime, everywhere.

Learn at your own pace with on-demand online courses and complete classes on specific topics.

Watch anytime, everywhere.

Learn at your own pace with on-demand online courses and complete classes on specific topics.

Interactive quizzes.

Over 300 online quizzes to check your knowledge and diversify your learning experience.

Certificate Program.

Get certified by successfully completing our learning program and boost your career.

Certification Program.

Get certified by successfully completing our learning program and boost your career.

Enterprise plan.

Take advantage of a complete learning management system to enroll learners and follow their progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sawblade University is the number one metalworking training video library. We offer more than 300 unique video lessons ranging from metal cutting to general safety.

Professionals and hobbyists from all ages who use sawing products in the shop or at home will benefit from this program. Every video has been designed by industry professionals to further your technical and practical knowledge. 

You can watch our video lessons from anywhere (smartphone, tablet, Smart TV, laptop, or streaming device).

With your subscription, you will get instant access to our entire training videos library and upon completion of the course you will receive a certification. Included in your subscription are the 4 main chapters (Foundational, Materials, Metal Cutting and General Safety), each chapter contains 8 classes and over 100 video lessons.

Our plans start at $69 for one-year access. No extra costs and you can renew anytime.

Your certification will be delivered digitally to you upon completion of the certification course.

Yes, thanks to our Enterprise Plan, you can enroll up to 50 students and access teacher features that allows you to monitor your students’ progress. These groups can have any number of courses associated with them, and anyone in that group will be automatically enrolled into the courses. 

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