An abrasive wheel tool is any tool that grinds, cuts, polishes or wire buffs that can create safety problems since they discharge particles. They may even come apart from the mounting. OSHA General Industry Regulations make all the safety precautions for abrasive wheel tools that have directions for every class of abrasive wheel tool.
Before any abrasive wheel is mounted it needs to be inspected and sound-tested or ring-tested to make sure that it has no cracks or defects. A lot of tools with grinding wheels will make a high pitched ringing sound when it is tapped with a non-metallic tool. When they are cracked, they will sound dull. Do not use damaged wheels because they can fly apart during operation. When it is mounted, the wheel can be tightened with a nut without distorting the flange so the wheel can move freely.
Most abrasive wheels need safety guards to cover the spindle, nut and flange. These safety guards keep workers safe from debris that may be emitted from the application and protect them from the wheel itself.
Never clamp a hand-held abrasive wheel tool in a vise. When the it is clamped it negates the safeguard and keep everyone in danger. Since the wheel could disintegrate during start-up, employees need to hold the wheel with both hands or stand in front of the wheel when it accelerates.
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