Typically, after it has been hot worked, steel will be cold worked. A rough scale is left on the steel after it has been hot worked, and, furthermore, hot working may not result in the desired shape. When the metal is cold worked, it gets rid of the scale and refines its shape. Additionally, cold working enhances the steel’s strength and boosts its machinability.
The majority of metals are cold worked using a process called cold rolling. While at room temperature, the metal is passed through two rollers to press and refine it. Other stock may be sent through cold drawing. Cold drawing is a process in which stock is pulled through a die, making its diameter smaller and improving its characteristics.
Most cold worked steel is more expensive because the cold working process uses stronger, more expensive machinery. It’s also important to remember that cold-worked steel is harder than hot-worked steel, because sometimes a softer metal is more desirable.
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