When an MWF touches the skin at all, then skin contact has occurred. It can happen when a machine, tool, or workpiece gets flooded or uses parts, tools, and equipment coated with fluid without use of personal protective equipment (PPE), like gloves and aprons, skin contact also happens if fluid splashes out of a machine without a proper machine guard.
Examples can include when the fluids seep through protective apparel or accidently dipping their hand into the fluid. If the clothing touches the skin with fluid on it then the employee needs to change and wash or else it can ooze through and touch the skin.
Eye contact happens when MWFs mix sweat and tears with MWFs causing irritation, infections, and ulcers. Employees need to wear protective eyewear when working with MWFs like safety glasses and face shields. If MWFs come into contact with your eyes, use an eye wash station and then notify your supervisor, or possible medical attention may be required.
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