3050 – 05 – Varieties of Hearing Loss Sensorineural
When damage occurs to the inner ear, it’s called sensorineural hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs more regularly than conductive hearing loss. Usually, it occurs when workers are constantly exposed to noise. An example of a constant noise is standing near a machine that emits loud sounds for extended periods of time. This can twist and enlarge the hair cells that support of the cilia, forcing them to not vibrate. Noise exposure may also disturb the special fluids located in the inner ear. Loud explosions may force the inner ear to break and fluids to be released, flooding the ear. These fluids are poisonous to the hair cells, so when the inner ear bursts, it kills the cells and causes complete hearing loss. Some drugs and illnesses can also lead to sensorineural hearing loss. Heredity can be a major factor, therefore, if you have any immediate relatives who has hearing loss, you may also share that sensitivity.
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