A lot of companies need scheduled maintenance to reduce machine downtime and increase safety and efficiency. A maintenance planner can be hired to make a maintenance schedule for the plant. Supervisors can also create schedules./
A maintenance department can utilize a computerized maintenance management system, or CMMS to schedule maintenance work. When a CMMS system is used, maintenance technicians or planners enter the data about machines and their needs. The CMMS organizes the data and schedules when tasks should be performed. It can keep inventory and know where all the equipment is. A CMMS may not be necessary but can be very useful.
When maintenance is scheduled, it is important to know the differences between planned downtime and unplanned downtime. It may feel counterproductive, planned downtime is performing maintenance tasks that increase efficiency in the long run by getting rid of machine breakdowns. Planned downtime can lower the impact on production cause it can be done during a slow production period.
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